Thursday, June 20, 2024
Headquartered along the river Sieg in Kirchen-Wehbach, Germany, Pintch Bubenzer had already solidified itself as a global leader in the design and manufacture of braking systems, but recognized a missing piece to their future success strategy.

Acting as a parent company for five separate companies, each operating under individual brands, the Pintsch Bubenzer identity was disjointed and convoluted. Seeking unification and efficiency, Pintcsh Bubenzer approached BCG with the objective to consolidate all five brands and support the launch of a singular new company, Dellner Bubenzer.

Over the course of multiple months, time zones and translations, BCG designed the new Dellner Bubenzer brand, and followed up with the launch of a robust product driven website, print and digital advertising initiatives, and numerous marketing efforts across a variety of mediums.